David O’Keeffe has spent the last 30 years advising companies on some very specialised areas of corporate taxation. Aiglon Consulting is about bringing all of the knowledge, expertise and experience he has gained over that time and making it available to you.
Governments all over the world are always looking for ways to encourage innovation from businesses in their country. Tax incentives are often one of the tools they turn to. Taxation will rarely, if ever, be the reason to innovate but having decided to innovate, it’s worth ensuring that the tax incentives are optimised.
The UK Government is clearly committed to encouraging businesses to invest more in R&D activity and then to retain their IP in the UK. The R&D tax relief regimes have been reformed to make them even more attractive and a Patent Box regime was introduced in 2013. Finance Act 2016 introduced significant changes to this regime to make it compliant with the OECD BEPS requirements. The reform of large company R&D relief, with the introduction from 2013 of the above-the-line R&D Expenditure Credit (RDEC), makes this relief more attractive and relevant to many more companies.
Read more about what R&D Relief is and how you could benefit from it.
David has been (and continues to be) actively involved at all stages of the consultations around these important reliefs and am able to work with you to ensure that you can maximise the available benefit from them.